
Kamikōchi (上高地) and Tateyama Kurobe (黑部立山)

 From Li Kun.

When people from other countries ask me where I went to play in Japan, I don’t know how to answer. Because I don't know how to pronounce Japanese kanji. The reason is because I can also spell Japanese kanji in Chinese. It's really hard for me to remember such long syllables. However, for the convenience of communication, I have to remember the Japanese pronunciation.(Maybe I remember the pronunciation today and forget it tomorrow.)

This trip was with a group of Chinese people I met for the first time. I'm actually quite sociophobic. But Kamikochi really attracted me. And the scenery really didn’t disappoint me, it was so beautiful and spectacular!

Kurobe Tateyama is the most beautiful attraction I have ever visited in Japan! none of them! And it attracts a large number of foreign tourists, including many Indians and Taiwanese. 

But I won’t go there a second time because the tickets are really expensive. Our tickets can go back and forth from Ogizawa to Murodo. The price is 12,300 yen per person! Tickets accounted for two-thirds of the total travel cost.

(At an altitude of more than 2,000 meters, ultraviolet rays are really high!)

(When we were packing up the tent, we discovered it was freezing.)

(This is my first time camping, and the lowest temperature can reach 6 degrees. I didn’t feel cold in the sleeping bag, but I still didn’t get a good rest because I wasn’t used to sleeping in a sleeping bag.And some of the older guys living next to my tent kept snoring. The snoring didn't stop from about 9pm until we left the next day. I envy this quality of sleep

(I have seen monkeys in the wild more than once, but this time I saw two monkeys fighting! To be precise, one monkey is bullying another monkey.)

(On the night of camping, I saw the beautiful starry sky! The actual starry sky is more than 1,000 times more beautiful than the one in the photo)

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